#GenPop: The Broke Ass Mob

As Laz becomes familiar with Camp Gabriel he joins a work crew that leaves the facility and goes out into the community to cut wood and prune trees. When they had guards who would only let them sing, they sang old slave spirituals. Unfortunately, this (as is typical,) didn’t pay much, and Laz and his friends were often hungry at night. The only way to eat was with extra food purchased from the commissary, or the (rare for Camp Gabriel) occasional care package. Laz’s friend soon began extorting other inmates, calling themselves the “Broke Ass Mob”. It began with pointed complaints of hunger when other inmates were cooking at night, which resulted in the B.A.M. getting tossed plates, or whole packages of food. Soon it resulted in the dorm banding together and ensuring Laz and his compadres stayed with something extra to eat.

Watch Laz tell it here.

Listen to Laz’s Hip-Hop podcast The Super Facts Show here.

Follow St. Laz on Instagram here.

Listen to St. Laz music here.

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